CannyNurse® Coaching

You Deserve Health and Happiness

Is your health suffering?

Medical model insufficient?

Let's plot a new course. Together.

What is CannyNurse® Coaching?

New to coaching? Don’t worry about it! You are probably already familiar with coaching from the world of sports. In sports, the coach’s role is to observe, analyze, and guide the players to become the best they can be. The fields of health, wellness, life, and even business coaching all operate from this same basic idea: helping you become your best self.

The CannyNurse® Holistic Coaching Process (developed by Ariana Ayu) uses evidence-based techniques to uncover the root causes of your discomfort/ unhappiness and gives you step-by-step guidance to create a plan to improve your health, mood, and quality of life. For a more detailed explanation, see “Technical Information” below.

CannyNurse® Holistic Coaching Process

Initial Appointment

In your first session (60-90 minutes) we’ll discuss your current health as well as setting both functional and feeling goals (as appropriate). Come prepared with a list of your questions and we’ll formulate a plan to help you feel better in no time!


At the end of your first session, Ariana will recommend specific educational materials to help you deepen your understanding of cannabis therapeutics as well as other ways to balance your endocannabinoid system. These (optional) self-study modules complement what you’re learning in your coaching program.

Coaching Sessions

After the initial appointment, follow up sessions are 45-60 minutes long. In each one, we will evaluate: changes you’ve implemented/ experienced, your current state of health, progress toward your goals, and additional needs. Together, we will identify 1-3 adjustments you can make between sessions to achieve greater health and satisfaction.

Breakthrough Support

Just because you’re in charge of your own health doesn’t mean you’re alone. As you implement your new cannabis and lifestyle plan, your monthly program includes additional ways to reach out for ongoing support. We’ll take it step-by-step so you don’t feel like you have to make it up as you go.

Empowered Living

After you’ve completed your program, you’ll have all the resources you need to live your joyful and empowered life. Come back and see us if your situation changes, or stride forward confident in your own ability to live the empowered life of your own design.

What is it Like to Work with Ariana?

Ariana was like a master gold miner – digging deep (with love and candor) and finding not just gold nuggets, but rubies and diamonds. She weaves a magical safe cocoon within the walls of which we, the client, can stretch, grow, trust and metamorphosize into our highest potential. I am deeply grateful.

H.R., UK, Scotland

Reviewing my goals with Ariana has proved to be a wise choice. My concern for self sabotage was quickly dissipated and I quickly learned new thoughts to connect me to success and ease. Even for someone who is “advanced” in self help has something to learn from a session with Ariana.

J.T., Canada, Toronto

Ariana is a skilled listener and guide, and a fountain of information. I felt very comfortable sharing my anxieties and concerns and also my hopes and dreams with her. We came up with concrete strategies for tackling my anxieties and roadblocks, and also addressed some long-standing medical concerns. She also used guided meditation in my sessions, which helped ease anxiety and also brought clarity around certain thoughts and behavior. I’m so grateful to have had this experience!”

I.S., USA, Southeast

Ariana is great at helping you through the process of where to begin & what to do. She listens attentively & asks questions to move the thought process along. Ariana is knowledgeable with health & nutrition advise & helped me to understand how to move forward. She is great at getting a plan in place and I was very comfortable in talking with her.

H.M., UK, Wales

Ariana knows the questions to ask, and knows exactly the way to create an environment so self-discovery can be made. If you have the opportunity to coach with Ariana, I highly recommend it.

T.G., USA, Midwest

Ariana provided solutions to my issues which were right there, but unseen – because my nose was pressed so close to the glass! What a laugh to hear and how wonderful to say – how obvious, of course! My life is providing the very tools I need. A clear perspective is needed to be able to move forward. Ariana offered that in my session – window wipers for soul work.

Y.P., Canada, Vancouver

She kept me on track, and we got to the core by allowing me to go through my process.  I recommend Ariana to anyone.

A.V., USA, Midwest

I find my sessions with Ariana to be extremely eye opening and helpful. …In working with her I have been able to move beyond a lot of fears that were holding me back and keeping me stagnant. I always leave our sessions feeling empowered, confident and ready. Ariana has a wonderful gift in extracting the best of me.

L.T., USA, East Coast

Ariana is like a catalyst for unleashing your greatest potential. Her advice was simple yet powerful, and yielded enormous results. Now I am more confident than ever, have created a balanced schedule I love, and am on-track with her coaching. I highly recommend her if you would like to create wild success.

F.W., USA, West Coast

Ariana is an extraordinary leader and healer.

C.N., USA, Northeast

Don't waste another moment living half a life.

Technical Information

The CannyNurse® Holistic Coaching Process (developed by Ariana Ayu) uses Integrative Nurse Coaching (holistic nursing theory, motivational interviewing, appreciative inquiry, reflective practice, mindfulness, etc.), empowering esoteric principles (Hermetics, alchemy, shadow work, biofield therapy/ energetics, mirror theory, mysticism, etc.), and plant medicine (cannabis, essential oils, and flower essences) to help clients find joy, serenity, and wisdom on the spiral path of wellbeing. Client participation is crucial in developing the plan of care since “Adherence and engagement are increased by having ownership of a treatment plan and a sense of shared partnership in its development and planning” (Sarris et al., 2014, p.8).

Clients typically meet with the CannyNurse® coach for one hour via phone or secure video chat on a monthly or biweekly basis. In these sessions, clients are led to set both functional and feeling goals and co-create a plan to achieve those goals in the spirit of gentleness, self-love, and nonjudgment. The nurse coach’s role is to guide the client along their journey of self-awareness, reflection, insight, and conscious growth based on the nurse coach’s experience, expertise, and current scientific evidence. Clients receive personal and customized education based on their needs, learning styles, and interests.


Sarris, J., O’Neil, A., Coulson, C. E., Schweitzer, I., & Berk, M. (2014). Lifestyle medicine for depression. BMC Psychiatry14(1), 1–13.

*The text of all testimonials come verbatim from Ariana’s coaching clients. Identifying details have been changed for privacy.

Frequently Asked Questions

No. I do not provide cannabis recommendations or assistance in getting a medical card. Please review your local government guidelines for obtaining a doctor’s recommendation or go to Norml to view state laws in the USA. I work with people who already have medical cannabis certifications and people in locations where adult use is allowed. I can also work with people who are using CBD only in places where cannabis with THC is not allowed.

Absolutely. The euphoric effects of THC (feeling “high” or “stoned”) are NOT necessary to get results for many people. There are non-intoxicating options that can still give you anti-inflammatory and other benefits.

Of course! I began studying cannabis therapeutics in 2020, but have worked as a holistic healer since 2000 and an Integrative Nurse Coach since 2012. My specialty has always been helping people uncover and work toward their life purpose, part of which includes feeling healthy and happy enough to be your best self all day every day.

You may be surprised to hear this, but yes, it very much does! The stereotype of buying whatever the dodgy guy behind the 7-11 had to sell is very different from today’s cannabis marketplace, but that doesn’t mean all cannabis is safe. Cannabis purchased through the illicit market can be contaminated with heavy metals, mold, or other toxins you DO NOT want to put into your body.

Even CBD oils sold over-the-counter or online as “natural” remedies can be full of contaminants, have misguided, erroneous, and false claims, and varying potencies (despite what the label says).

Industrial hemp has been used to clean toxic soil of waste sites (I’m looking at you, Chernobyl) because it excels at pulling toxins and heavy metal out of the soil and into the plant. This makes it incredibly important to know where/ how your cannabis products are grown and to examine the Certificate of Analysis to discern whether the product is safe.

Yes. Some people have tried make distinctions between cannabis and marijuana, but essentially we’re talking about variations of the same plant.

This about it this way: apple trees all produce apples (not oranges), but they’ve been selectively bred (or genetically modified) to produce different varieties of apple. Your pink lady apple tree just will not produce granny smith apples. The same is true of the different “strains” of cannabis: they produce flowers (which are harvested and dried) with different chemical compositions: some are high in THC (the chemical that “gets you high”), some are high in CBD (the non-intoxicating component), and there are a wide variety of terpenes that give the different chemovars (“strains”) their varied smells, tastes, and healing properties.

I use the word cannabis because the Spanish word “marijuana” (anglicized to “marihuana”) has been used throughout history to scare people, capitalizing on anti-Mexican xenophobia and racism. I don’t like the fear-based and hateful way the word marijuana has been used in the past (or the associated racism and xenophobia), so I choose to use the word cannabis instead.

“Strains” is an unscientific term used to describe the many varieties of cannabis. Scientists and clinicians prefer to use the term “chemovars” which is a shortened version of the phrase “chemical variations.”

Each chemovar has a unique combination of chemical constituents that makes it unique. Even within a particular chemovar, an individual plant’s chemical structure can vary depending on it’s growing conditions. This is a normal thing that happens in nature; for example, spicy peppers need harsh growing conditions to actually become spicy. If you take 2 of the same type of pepper plant and grow them in different climates, the level of spiciness will be different between the two plants.

Cannabis can interact with medications and does, in fact, have side effects, despite claims that it is “natural” (which some people assumes means “safe”). This is why it is critical to speak with your recommending doctor about all of your medications, including cannabis.

Interestingly, smoking cannabis is not associated with increased risk for lung, throat, head, and neck cancers the way tobacco products are. This doesn’t mean it is harmless however, and smoking cannabis can be associated with airway irritation and chronic bronchitis. Non-combustion options that don’t light the plant matter on fire, such as dry herb vaporizers may be a less-irritating option for many patients who like the ease of inhaling cannabis.

Cannabis DOES have side effects, but most are dose-dependent. This means that while cannabis can reduce anxiety in low doses, it can cause anxiety in high doses. This is why it is critical for patients to understand evidence-based dosing strategies and become comfortable self-titrating your doses.

There have been no recorded deaths from overdosing on cannabis in history.

However, that doesn’t mean that overdosing doesn’t happen. When doses of THC/ CBD are too high, people can feel terrifying paranoia and other effects. There are a variety of “remedies” found online (drinking lemon juice, smelling pine essential oil, warm showers, etc.) for taking too high a dose, but the evidence is unclear. If it’s possible to go to sleep, that can often be the best option since it takes time to clear the excess cannabinoids from your system.

The world of cannabis is definitely more complicated than it was in the 1960s, 70s, and even 10 years ago. This is where cannabis nurse coaching can be so useful. You will learn how to navigate the current marketplace, including: strains/chemovars, paraphernalia, concentrates, and more.

Being a medical cannabis patient may not offer you legal protection in terms of employment, housing, or other matters. Cannabis is still a Schedule 1 drug and federally illegal. Until that changes, it is important to know your state and local laws. For example, in some jurisdictions it is illegal to own a firearm and be a medical cannabis patient.

It is never safe to drive while intoxicated (from any substance) and care should always be taken when under the influence of mind-altering substances.