Cannabis & Menopause

Menopause impacts half of the population (those that are lucky enough to reach that age), and while the research is currently slimmer than most of us who reach menopause, researchers are paying more attention than ever.

Since this will impact half of the population (at least those who are lucky enough to make it to/ past middle age), I wanted to share it freely with the population beyond my professional development program The CannyNurse® Tribe.

When I started researching Cannabis and “The Menopause” (as they call it here in the UK — I like the extra gravitas this imparts), I didn’t think I’d find a lot, but I couldn’t have been more wrong. There’s a lot we still don’t know in terms of cannabis and The Menopause, but there’s a lot of interesting info if you know how to look for it.

And I do. 😉

In this advanced training, I cover the signs and symptoms of menopause (it’s not just hot flashes! 🥵) plus the standard treatments as well as the evidence-based complementary and alternative options.

Then, we look at the evidence base with regard to cannabis.

Menopausal (and peri-/ post-menopausal) people are self-medicating with cannabis to treat their symptoms, and researchers are taking notice. While the evidence base is slim, there is solid endocannabinoid theory and among many, many other things, the video covers why THC might actually help with hot flashes! 🥵🔥🌱 (Isn’t that nice to know? 😉)

Please don’t share this link publicly — it’s intended for CNCP Grads who already have a foundational understanding of medical cannabis and the ECS.

Thank you in advance!