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Depression & Cannabis

Is cannabis an effective treatment for depression?

Read Ariana’s Literature Review (July 2020) here.

Ariana presented her literature review on this topic for 1 Continuing Education unit at the American Cannabis Nurses’ 2020 Conference. Here is the recorded replay:


Comments (2)

  1. Ariana, thank you so very much for sharing this presentation. It’s helpful to me as a practitioner AND as a woman who has a deep hx of depression flowing like that stream through the women in my family tree….I thought I had connected the dots in my years of self-discovery and inner-work….And you are helping me connect even more! You are a gift to holistic nursing…and especially, to me.

    1. I’m so glad to hear that! 🙂 This is a topic that hits home for so many people…. I’m grateful to all those whose work contributed to my own understanding of depression and other mood disorders.